Washington Engine Emission Test Program Comes to an End

Washington Engine Emission Test Program Comes to an End

In the Washington state, car owners were subjected to mandatory engine emission tests during the renewal of their vehicle registrations. The emissions test program was introduced 38 years ago to curb the increasing pollution from burning fuel. However, here’s some great news for all Washington drivers. According to the Washington Department of Ecology, the Clean Car Law in Washington state will be dropped in 2020 after a 15-year phase-out window elapses. That means vehicle owners will no longer have to take their vehicles through the emissions test. However, for those with vehicles that are due for registration renewal in 2019, they still have to schedule an emissions test.

So far, so good as the program has been successful and has managed to keep the Washington atmosphere fresh and breathable. While the program might have been ended, there will be several bodies mandated with the task of monitoring air quality and even formulating policies where needed.

In the report, the Washington Department of Ecology articulates that there has been a drastic improvement in Washington air quality. Also, the advances in the automobile industry have decreased emissions.

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